Why is the sky blue? Is there life on other planets? How do I pursue a career in science? The UArizona NASA Space Grant Science Speakers Program brings faculty, researchers, graduate and undergraduate students, and University clubs to your class or organization to give talks on a variety of topics. The presentations range from graphic demonstrations of natural phenomena to reports on current research projects and cutting-edge technology.
How it Works
Educators in the Tucson area select a presentation they are interested in and use the online list to contact the speaker. Once the teacher and speaker agree on a time and date, the speaker visits the classroom and gives their listed talk (note: a teacher must be present at all times during each presentation). This directory is organized according to presentation topic and topics are cross-listed under appropriate categories. Below each category heading you will find a list of presentation titles, speakers, their telephone numbers and e-mail addresses, and other information that may be useful in choosing and contacting a speaker.
Outreach Log
Thank you for using the Space Grant Science Speakers website. Were you or your club/research team contacted by an educator that used this website? Did you conduct an outreach event with that educator? If so, please take a few moments to help us track use of this site by filling out the Outreach Log form below.
- Fill out the Outreach Log (coming soon!)