John Zanazzi, 2009 NAU Space Grant Intern

J.J. Zanazzi is a first year graduate student working with Dong Lai at Cornell University, in the area of Theoretical Astrophysics. He received two B.S. degrees from Northern Arizona University: a merged B.S. in Physics and Astronomy and a B.S. in Mathematics. As an undergraduate, he has done research in a variety of fields and institutions. At the University of California Davis, he has worked with Lloyd Knox in theoretical cosmology. At Penn State, he has worked with Anton Petrunin and Misha Guysinsky in convex geometry and dynamical systems. At Wayne State, he did research in experimental nuclear physics with Rene Bellwied. And at Northern Arizona University, he worked with Ed Anderson searching for exoplanets under a NASA Space Grant. In addition, he has also participated in two mathematics study abroad programs: the Math in Moscow Program at the Independent University of Moscow, and Mathematics Advanced Study Semesters (MASS) at Penn State.
In addition to research, J.J. Zanazzi also has interest in scientific writing and outreach, and has been a teaching assistant for the Knight Institute Writing in the Majors course in Astronomy, and received an award of Honorable Mention in the New Frontiers in Astronomy and Cosmology Student Essay Competition. He is currently a teaching assistant for the new Cornell Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) on Relativity and Astrophysics under David Chernoff, and is a participant in Cornell’s Ask an Astronomer team.