NAU/NASA Space Grant Staff and Students Participate in Navajo Bridge Star Party!

October 12th-13th, 2018 marks the second year that NAU staff and students from the Physics & Astronomy department have brought telescopes to the Navajo Bridge Star Party, to star gaze with the public. They also spent the day on Saturday the 13th participating in solar viewing with visitors to the Glen Canyon Visitor Center at Marble Canyon.
The trip is sponsored by the NAU/NASA Space Grant Program. Three staff members, (Kathleen Stigmon - Sr.Program Coordinator, Ed Anderson, and Mary Lara - AIMER Coordinator,) along with four undergraduate student volunteers, spent their weekend facilitating public outreach activities. The 6-8 telescopes the NAU team provides each year are a highlight of the event. Amanda Boston, Program Coordinator for the Glen Canyon Conservancy, and Coconino County Supervisor Lena Fowler, commented that attendees were very impressed by the enthusiasm and knowledge of the team of students and staff.
Photos were taken of the night sky by volunteer, Daniel Stigmon.
Group photo (left to right): Daniel Stigmon, Kathleen Stigmon, Janus Kozdon, Brennah Brown, Ryan Jundt, Mary Lara, Emma Garret