Space Grant Managers and Students Attend "Desert Moon" Premier at Flandrau Planetarium and Science Center

Space Grant Managers and Students Attend "Desert Moon" Premier at Flandrau Planetarium and Science Center

June 29, 2014
Space Grant Managers and Students Attend "Desert Moon" Premier at Flandrau Planetarium and Science Center

A wonderful evening at the premiere of "Desert Moon," created by FY 2013 UA/NASA Space Grant Graduate Fellow Jason Davis, and narrated by retired astronaut Mark Kelly. It was an inspirational and long-overdue opportunity to pay homage to Ewen Whitaker, Robert Strom, and to other renowned UA planetary scientists past and present, who played such key roles (unknown and/or forgotten by many of us) in mankind's race to the moon! And what an honor to share the event with Mark Kelly, Gabrielle Giffords, and so many great friends and colleagues! Thank you and congratulations for a fabulous historical documentary, and an unforgettable night, Jason!
