UA Space Grant Interns, SEDS and Astronomy Club students join for Kitt Peak Star Party

University of Arizona (UA) NASA Space Grant interns, fellows, mentors, and UA Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS) joined together for an educational trip to Kitt Peak National Observatory. The group headed up the mountain on Saturday, November 3rd, to enjoy a picnic dinner before watching a vibrant Arizona sunset. Afterward, Dr. Yancy Shirley, UA Space Grant Assistant Director and Astronomy Faculty, led the group down to the radio telescope to join in on a star party with the UA Astronomy Club. Students and affiliates with the UA's Space Grant, SEDS, and Astronomy club were able to network and relax under a beautiful evening sky. The group also received a lively talk by Dr. Shirley about the history of astronomical discoveries at Kitt Peak and the Greek mythology behind many of the stars visible that evening.
Photo by Michelle Coe.
Photo by Michelle Coe.
Photo by Claire Cook.
Photo by Claire Cook.