Mitchell Kirshner

I'm Mitchell- a fifth year PhD candidate in the Department of Systems & Industrial Engineering. Under the advisorship of Dr. Ricardo Valerdi, I research Model Based Systems Engineering applications for cyberphysical space systems, focusing on cybersecurity and software integration for digital mission planning. I am also a member of Dr. Eric Pearce's research group at Steward Observatory where I conduct photometry experiments for measuring night sky brightness and other astronomical phenomena. Prior to the University of Arizona, I worked at submarine manufacturer General Dynamics Electric Boat. Before that, I attended Northwestern University for my BS in their Integrated Science Program, Integrated Engineering, and Earth & Planetary Science; I also obtained my MS in Chemical & Biological Engineering.
As part of the NASA Space Grant, I am looking forward to communicating complex areas of space science to the public. Through my podcast 'Space Posthaste', I'll be able to teach listeners of all ages about hot topics ranging from the new James Webb Space Telescope to Martian volcanic caves, and more! I'm hoping to start conversations between listeners and their friends and families to discuss fascinating space topics usually inaccessible to those without advanced degrees. Thanks to widely available streaming services, Space Posthaste has the potential to reach countless space enthusiasts!