Kevin Prahar
Kevin Prahar
Kevin Prahar is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in Religious Studies. He works with Tom Gehrels from Planetary Sciences conducting research on "Evolution and Religion".
Kevin Prahar is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in Religious Studies. He works with Tom Gehrels from Planetary Sciences conducting research on "Evolution and Religion".
Angela Poulson is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in Journalism. She works with Lori Stiles from University Communications conducting research on "Phoenix Mission public affairs writer".
Perla Porras is a University of Arizona, Eller College of Management Junior majoring in MIS. She works with Barron Orr from Arid Lands conducting research on "A Content Management System to Translate NASA Earth Science Results for the Public".
Brent Morgan is a University of Arizona Sophomore majoring in Engineering Physics, Engineering Mathematics, and Mathematics. He works with Cho Lik Chan from Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering conducting research on "Convective Instabilities".
Michelle Moran is a University of Arizona Junior majoring in Environmental Science/Environmental and Water Resource Economics. She works with Stuart Marsh from Arid Lands conducting research on "Applying ASTER and Landsat Data to a Modeling Effort for Buffelgrass Detection".
Collin Mechler is a University of Arizona Sophomore majoring in Materials Science and Engineering. He works with Timothy Swindle from Lunar and Planetary Lab. conducting research on "Finding the limitations of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectrscopy for in-situ evaluation of powdered rock samples".
Mia McCorkel is a University of Arizona Sophomore majoring in Chemical and Environmental Engineering. She works with Robert Arnold from Chemical & Environmental conducting research on "Removal to trace organic contaminants during water reclamation".
Amy Lynn is a University of Arizona Junior majoring in Mathematics. She works with Kevin Lansey from Civil Engineeering conducting research on "Development of a Water Management Model for the Metropolitan Water District (NW Tucson)".
Joshua Lucio is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in Microbiology. He works with Lars Ewell from Radiation Oncology conducting research on "Diffusion Weighted MRI to Detect Radiation Induced Changes In Tissue".
David Love is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in Engineering Math. He works with Michael Parker from Rincon Research Corp. conducting research on "Precision (cm level) tracking using GPS Carrier Phase and MEMS".