Josh Brent
Josh Brent

Josh Brent is a University of Arizona Junior majoring in Optical Sciences and Engineering. He works with Jayan Thomas from College of Optical Sciences conducting research on "Printed silicon nitride-based photonic devices".
Josh Brent is a University of Arizona Junior majoring in Optical Sciences and Engineering. He works with Jayan Thomas from College of Optical Sciences conducting research on "Printed silicon nitride-based photonic devices".
Jacqueline Brauneis is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in Chemical and Environmental Engineering. She works with Eduardo Saez from Chemical & Environmental Engineering conducting research on "Modeling of Atmospheric Particulate Transport".
Travis Borrillo-Hutter is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in Soil, Water, and Environmental Science. He works with Robert Arnold from Chemical & Environmental Engineering conducting research on "Reactor design for production of algae as biofuel".
Victoria Blute is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in Journalism/French. She works with Leslie Newell from Arizona Daily Star conducting research on "NASA Space Grant News-Writing Position".
Angela Athey is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in Chemical and Environmental Engineering. She works with Reyes Sierra-Alvarez from Chemical & Environmental Engineering conducting research on "Bioremediation of uranium with nano-sized zero-valent iron".
Gladys Amaya is a University of Arizona Junior majoring in Systems and Industrial Engineering. She works with Laura Norman from U.S. Geological Survey conducting research on "Santa Cruz Watershed Ecosystem Portfolio Model (SCWEPM)".
Stepfanie Aguillon is a University of Arizona Sophomore majoring in College of Agriculture and Life Science. She works with Stuart Marsh from School of Natural Resources/Env & Geography conducting research on "Assessing and Supporting Drought Monitoring Needs on the Hopi and Navajo Nations".
Scott Adams is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in Astronomy. He works with Dennis Zaritsky from Astronomy conducting research on "Tidal Tails in Cluster Galaxies".
Jin Zhang is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in Chemical Engineering. She works with Anthony Muscat from Chemical and Environmental Engineering conducting research on "Low-Cost Cu(InGa)S2 Solar Cells".
Kiley Yeakel is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in Chemical and Environmental Engineering. She works with Joellen Russell from Geosciences conducting research on "Southern Ocean Heat & Sea Level".