Andrew Iles
Andrew Iles
Andrew Iles is a UA Junior majoring in Computer Engineering. He works with Erzsebet Merenyi, at the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory Department.
Andrew Iles is a UA Junior majoring in Computer Engineering. He works with Erzsebet Merenyi, at the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory Department.
Luisa Ikner is a UA Junior majoring in Molecular and Cellular Biology. She works with Mark Witten, at the University of Arizona's Pediatrics Department.
Tiffany House is a UA/P Junior majoring in Environmental Science. She works with Roger Bales, at the University of Arizona's Hydrology and Water Resources Department.
Gregg Herres is a UA Sophomore majoring in Computer Science. He works with William Hartmann, at the University of Arizona's Planetary Science Institute on the Mars Global Surveyor Mission.
Kevin Guerrero is a UA Senior majoring in English/Philosphy. He works with Lori Stiles, at the University of Arizona's News Services writing articles and science and research news releases.
Scott Golper is a UA Junior majoring in Aerospace and Mechanical Engreering. He serves as the program administrator for the UA Student Satellite Project with Susan Brew, of the University of Arizona's Space Grant Program, as his mentor.
Tina Frost is a UA/P Junior majoring in Math. She works with Alfredo Huete, at the University of Arizona's Soil Water and Environmental Science Department.
Andrew Folkening is a UA Sophomore majoring in Engineering Mathematics. He works with Xubin Zeng, at the University of Arizona's Atmospheric Sciences Department.
Gilbert Esquerdo is a UA Senior majoring in Physics. He works with Donald Davis, and Eric Crane at the University of Arizona's Planetary Science Institute Department.
Noura Eleid is a UA Junior majoring in Physics. She works with Mark Tischler, at the University of Arizona's Biochemistry Department.