Undergraduate Mentors 1994-1995

Please note: Most email address and web sites are out of date.

Dennis Anhalt works in the RAD department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Kenneth Herring.


Robert G. Arnold works in the Chemical & Environmental Eng department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Robert McKay.

Robert G. can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOm5lYWJ5cUByYXRlLm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoIj5uZWFieXFAcmF0ZS5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaDwvbj4=


Victor Baker works in the Geosciences; Planetary Sciences department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Theresa Dawkins.

Victor can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOm9ueHJlQHVqZS5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaCI+b254cmVAdWplLm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoPC9uPg==


Victor Baker works in the Geosciences; Planetary Sciences department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Jay Langdon.

Victor can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOm9ueHJlQHVqZS5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaCI+b254cmVAdWplLm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoPC9uPg==


Roger Bales works in the Hydrology & Water Resources department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Mustafizur Rahman.

Roger can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOmVidHJlQHVqZS5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaCI+ZWJ0cmVAdWplLm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoPC9uPg==


Eric A. Betterton works in the Atmospheric Sciences department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Keith Nelson.

Eric A. can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOm9yZ2dyZWdiYUBuZ3piLm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoIj5vcmdncmVnYmFAbmd6Yi5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaDwvbj4=


Theodore Bowen works in the Physics department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Abram Young.

Theodore can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOmdvYmpyYUBjdWxmdnBmLm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoIj5nb2JqcmFAY3VsZnZwZi5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaDwvbj4=


William V. Boynton works in the Lunar & Planetary Laboratory department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Rolfe Bode.

William V. can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOmpvYmxhZ2JhQHljeS5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaCI+am9ibGFnYmFAeWN5Lm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoPC9uPg==


Jo Dale Carothers works in the Electrical & Computer Engineering department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Enamul Khaleque.

Jo Dale can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnBuZWJndXJlZkBycHIubmV2bWJhbi5ycWgiPnBuZWJndXJlZkBycHIubmV2bWJhbi5ycWg8L24+


Thomas Cetas works in the Radiation Oncology department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Justin Jans.

Thomas can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnByZ25mQHJ6bnZ5Lm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoIj5wcmduZkByem52eS5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaDwvbj4=


Chuan Chen works in the Aerospace/Mechanical Eng department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Eric Zuercher.

Chuan can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnBzcHVyYUBub25waGYubnpyLm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoIj5wc3B1cmFAbm9ucGhmLm56ci5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaDwvbj4=


Christopher Choi works in the Agriculture & Biosystems Eng department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Robert Cesena.

Christopher can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnBwdWJ2QG50Lm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoIj5wcHVidkBudC5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaDwvbj4=


Robert Crockett works in the Materials Science & Engineering department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Joel Amdahl.

Robert can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOmVwZWJweHJnZ0BrcmVudHJhLnBieiI+ZXBlYnB4cmdnQGtyZW50cmEucGJ6PC9uPg==


Donald Davis works in the PSI department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Alejandro Diaz.

Donald can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOmFycmZyQGNmdi5ycWgiPmFycmZyQGNmdi5ycWg8L24+


Carl DeVito works in the Math department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern James Kirchoff.

Carl can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnFyaXZnYkB6bmd1Lm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoIj5xcml2Z2JAem5ndS5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaDwvbj4=


David DeYoung works in the Kitt Peak/National Optical Astronomy Observatories department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Eric Jackson.

David can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnFybGJoYXRAYWJuYi5ycWgiPnFybGJoYXRAYWJuYi5ycWg8L24+


Jim Erickson works in the Arizona Daily Star department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Sarah Mayhew.

Jim can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnJldnB4ZmJhQG5tZmduZWFyZy5wYnoiPnJldnB4ZmJhQG5tZmduZWFyZy5wYno8L24+


Emmanuel Fernandez works in the Systems & Environmental Eng department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Francisco Corrales.

Emmanuel can be reached by e-mail at: .


Paul Geissler works in the Lunar & Planetary Laboratory department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Andrew Castilla.

Paul can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnRydmZmeXJlQGN2ZXkueWN5Lm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoIj50cnZmZnlyZUBjdmV5LnljeS5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaDwvbj4=


Lisa Graumlich works in the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Lisa Orzechowski.

Lisa can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnRlbmh6eXZwQHhuZ3YueWdlZS5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaCI+dGVuaHp5dnBAeG5ndi55Z2VlLm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoPC9uPg==


Eugene Gross works in the RAD department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Pamela Mayer.

Eugene can be reached by e-mail at: .


William Hartmann works in the Planetary Science Institute department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Julie Batten.

William can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnVuZWd6bmFhQGNmdi5ycWgiPnVuZWd6bmFhQGNmdi5ycWg8L24+


Benjamin Herman works in the Atmospheric Sciences department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Yun Hsu.

Benjamin can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnVyZXpuYUBuZ3piLm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoIj51cmV6bmFAbmd6Yi5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaDwvbj4=


Frank Hill works in the National Solar National Solar Observatory department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern David Chaney.

Frank can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnN1dnl5QGFibmIucnFoIj5zdXZ5eUBhYm5iLnJxaDwvbj4=


Lon Hood works in the Lunar & Planetary Laboratory department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Jonathan Alberding.

Lon can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnliYUB5Y3kubmV2bWJhbi5ycWgiPnliYUB5Y3kubmV2bWJhbi5ycWg8L24+


Steve Howell works in the Planetary Science Institute department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Adrienne herzog.

Steve can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnVianJ5eUBhYm5iLnJxaCI+dWJqcnl5QGFibmIucnFoPC9uPg==


Donald Huffman works in the Physics department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Shawn Agut.

Donald can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnVoc3N6bmFAY3VsZnZwZi5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaCI+dWhzc3puYUBjdWxmdnBmLm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoPC9uPg==


Christopher Impey works in the Astronomy department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Amy Braglia.

Christopher can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnB2emNybEBoLm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoIj5wdnpjcmxAaC5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaDwvbj4=


Christopher Impey works in the Astronomy department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Ancelmo McCarthy.

Christopher can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnB2emNybEBoLm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoIj5wdnpjcmxAaC5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaDwvbj4=


Stuart Jefferies works in the National Solar Observatory department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Daniel Frayer.

Stuart can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOndnd3Jzc0BwYmFwcmFnZXZwLmFyZyI+d2d3cnNzQHBiYXByYWdldnAuYXJnPC9uPg==


Timothy Jull works in the Physics department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Shawna Cloudt.

Timothy can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOndoeXlAaC5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaCI+d2h5eUBoLm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoPC9uPg==


Stephen Kukolich works in the Chemistry department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Shane Sickafoose.

Stephen can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnhoeGJ5dnB1QGgubmV2bWJhbi5ycWgiPnhoeGJ5dnB1QGgubmV2bWJhbi5ycWg8L24+


Lowell Lamb works in the Physics department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Nadine Benally.

Lowell can be reached by e-mail at: .


Lowell Lamb works in the Physics department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Dan Roskey.

Lowell can be reached by e-mail at: .


Stephen Larson works in the Lunar & Planetary Laboratory department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Paul Langdale.

Stephen can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOmZ5bmVmYmFAeWN5Lm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoIj5meW5lZmJhQHljeS5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaDwvbj4=


Harold Larson works in the Lunar & Planetary Laboratory department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Kevin Longo.

Harold can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnVjeW5lZmJhQGgubmV2bWJhbi5ycWgiPnVjeW5lZmJhQGgubmV2bWJhbi5ycWg8L24+


Stephen Larson works in the Lunar & Planetary Laboratory department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Beatriz Ruiz.

Stephen can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOmZ5bmVmYmFAeWN5Lm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoIj5meW5lZmJhQHljeS5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaDwvbj4=


Harold Larson works in the Lunar & Planetary Laboratory department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Deepa Wadhwani.

Harold can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnVjeW5lZmJhQGgubmV2bWJhbi5ycWgiPnVjeW5lZmJhQGgubmV2bWJhbi5ycWg8L24+


Frank J. Low works in the Astronomy department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern .

Frank J. can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnN5YmpAbmYubmV2bWJhbi5ycWgiPnN5YmpAbmYubmV2bWJhbi5ycWg8L24+


Gil McLaughlin works in the Flandrau Planetarium & Science Center department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Melissa Eskue.

Gil can be reached by e-mail at: .


Fulvio Melia works in the Physics, Astronomy department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Tatia Dekeyser.

Fulvio can be reached by e-mail at: melia@.physics.arizona.edu.


H. Jay Melosh works in the Lunar & Planetary Laboratory department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Cheryl Cook.

H. Jay can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnd6cnliZnVAeWN5Lm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoIj53enJ5YmZ1QHljeS5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaDwvbj4=


Erzsebet Merenyi works in the Lunar & Planetary Laboratory department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Michael Shipman.

Erzsebet can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnJlbWZyb3JnQGN2ZXkueWN5Lm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoIj5yZW1mcm9yZ0BjdmV5LnljeS5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaDwvbj4=


Steven Mullen works in the Astronomy department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Carmelita Chaille.

Steven can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnpoeXlyYUBudmUubmd6Yi5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaCI+emh5eXJhQG52ZS5uZ3piLm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoPC9uPg==


John F. O'Hanlon works in the Electrical & Computer Engineering department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Jason Garcia.

John F. can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOmJ1bmF5YmFAcnByLm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoIj5idW5heWJhQHJwci5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaDwvbj4= ">PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOmJ1bmF5YmFAcnByLm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoIj5idW5heWJhQHJwci5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaDwvbj4= .


Alfonso Ortega works in the Aerospace/Mechanical Eng department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Phillip Erdie.

Alfonso can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOmJlZ3J0bkBoLm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoIj5iZWdydG5AaC5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaDwvbj4=


Alfonso Ortega works in the Aerospace/Mechanical Eng department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern R. Scott Evans.

Alfonso can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOmJlZ3J0bkBoLm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoIj5iZWdydG5AaC5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaDwvbj4=


Douglas Rabin works in the NSO/National Optical Astronomy Observatories department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Parish Myers.

Douglas can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnFiaHR5bmYuZW5vdmFAdGZzcC5hbmZuLnRiaSI+cWJodHluZi5lbm92YUB0ZnNwLmFuZm4udGJpPC9uPg==


Srini Raghavan works in the Materials Science & Engineering department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Michael Davis.

Srini can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOmZldmF2QGgubmV2bWJhbi5ycWgiPmZldmF2QGgubmV2bWJhbi5ycWg8L24+


Kumar Ramohalli works in the Aerospace/Mechanical Eng department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Paul Fogarty.

Kumar can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnhoem5lQGZwYmVjdmIubnp5Lm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoIj54aHpuZUBmcGJlY3ZiLm56eS5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaDwvbj4=


Kumar Ramohalli works in the Aerospace/Mechanical Eng department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Donovan Malley.

Kumar can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnhoem5lQGZwYmVjdmIubnp5Lm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoIj54aHpuZUBmcGJlY3ZiLm56eS5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaDwvbj4=


Eileen Ryan works in the Planetary Science Institute department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Andrea Ursillo.

Eileen can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnJlbG5hQGF6dWgucnFoIj5yZWxuYUBhenVoLnJxaDwvbj4=


Ata Sarajedini works in the Kitt Peak/National Optical Astronomy Observatories department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Christina Lowe.

Ata can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOm5nbkBuZmdlYi5oc3kucnFoIj5uZ25AbmZnZWIuaHN5LnJxaDwvbj4=


Larry Schooley works in the Electrical & Computer Engineering department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Scott Caudle.

Larry can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOmZwdWJieXJsQGgubmV2bWJhbi5ycWgiPmZwdWJieXJsQGgubmV2bWJhbi5ycWg8L24+


Farhang Shadman works in the Chemical & Environmental Eng department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Tony Dambrauskas.

Farhang can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOmZ1bnF6bmFAcmVwLm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoIj5mdW5xem5hQHJlcC5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaDwvbj4=


Nigel Sharp works in the National Optical Astronomy Observatories department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Virginia Bowsley.

Nigel can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOmZ1bmVjQGFibmIucnFoIj5mdW5lY0BhYm5iLnJxaDwvbj4=


Robert Singer works in the Lunar & Planetary Laboratory department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Jessica Oman.

Robert can be reached by e-mail at: .


Charles Sonett works in the Lunar & Planetary Laboratory department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Daniel Hickman.

Charles can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOmZiYXJnZ0B5Y3kubmV2bWJhbi5ycWgiPmZiYXJnZ0B5Y3kubmV2bWJhbi5ycWg8L24+


Ann Sprague works in the Lunar & Planetary Laboratory department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Deborah Cahan.

Ann can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOmZjZW50aHJAeWN5Lm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoIj5mY2VudGhyQHljeS5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaDwvbj4=


K.R. Sridhar works in the Aerospace/Mechanical Eng department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Tania Aguilar.

K.R. can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOmZldnF1bmVAZnVueGd2Lm56ci5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaCI+ZmV2cXVuZUBmdW54Z3YubnpyLm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoPC9uPg==


K.R. Sridhar works in the Aerospace/Mechanical Eng department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Ugo Ronghi.

K.R. can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOmZldnF1bmVAZnVueGd2Lm56ci5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaCI+ZmV2cXVuZUBmdW54Z3YubnpyLm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoPC9uPg==


Lori Stiles works in the UA News Services, Communications department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Karen Faust.

Lori can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnlmZ3Z5cmZAaC5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaCI+eWZndnlyZkBoLm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoPC9uPg==


Robert G. Strom works in the Lunar & Planetary Laboratory department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Christopher Sinclair.

Robert G. can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOmVmZ2ViekB3aGN2Z3JlLnljeS5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaCI+ZWZnZWJ6QHdoY3ZncmUueWN5Lm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoPC9uPg==


John Szivek works in the Surgery department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern George Battraw.

John can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOmZtdmlyeEBoLm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoIj5mbXZpcnhAaC5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaDwvbj4=


Marc Tischler works in the Biochemistry department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Ernesto Archuleta.

Marc can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOmd2ZnB1eXJlQGgubmV2bWJhbi5ycWgiPmd2ZnB1eXJlQGgubmV2bWJhbi5ycWg8L24+


Thomas Vincent works in the Aerospace/Mechanical Eng department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Elizabeth McBride.

Thomas can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOml2YXByYWdAaC5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaCI+aXZhcHJhZ0BoLm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoPC9uPg==


Mark L. Witten works in the Pediatrics department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Christine Lyons.

Mark L. can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnpqdmdncmFAY3JxZi5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaCI+emp2Z2dyYUBjcnFmLm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoPC9uPg==


Mark L. Witten works in the Pediatrics department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Sarah Sidi.

Mark L. can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnpqdmdncmFAY3JxZi5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaCI+emp2Z2dyYUBjcnFmLm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoPC9uPg==


Joseph Zehnder works in the Atmospheric Sciences department with University of Arizona Space Grant Research Intern Carol Klein.

Joseph can be reached by e-mail at: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOm1ydWFxcmVAbmZoLnJxaCI+bXJ1YXFyZUBuZmgucnFoPC9uPg==