Project Parent

Project Description: Aerocapture consists of changing the trajectory of a spacecraft through aerodynamic lift and drag forces by letting it briefly enter a planet's atmosphere. We propose to improve the lift and drag forces through the use of a novel MagnetoHydroDynamics (MHD) force generator. This is advantaged over standard aerocapture by yielding controllable lift and drag forces without the use of protruding and difficult to cool fins. This research will complete a fully-coupled simulation of the impact of the MHD force generator on the plasma flow and vice-versa using our in-house-developed code CFDWARP (Computational Fluid Dynamics, WAves, Reactions, Plasmas).    

NASA Relevance: This research is a follow-up to a NASA NIAC Phase 1 project that Prof. Bernard Parent was recently part of and which demonstrated the benefits of MHD in enhancing planetary-entry aerocapture. Aerocapture and means to improve its efficiency is an active area of research at NASA.

Work Description:

  • Learn how to operate the CFDWARP code
  • Create a grid that englobes the whole plasma flowing around a capsule
  • Perform simulations using CFDWARP of the coupling between the plasma and the MHD forces
  • Analyze the results and assess the net effect on the lift and drag coefficients induced by the MHD force generator

Open or Reserved Project: 1 position reserved, 1 position open