Project Description: Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) are thought to influence the evolution of their host galaxies through feedback, but the nature of this feedback remains unclear. This project aims to measure the opening angles of ionization cones in Seyfert 2 AGN using archival Hubble Space Telescope (HST) [OIII]5007 emission line images. The opening angles will be compared to the Eddington ratios of their host galaxies. Since Seyfert 2 AGN are viewed edge-on, projection effects are minimized, allowing for accurate geometric measurements. By analyzing the relationship between ionization cone geometry and accretion efficiency, this study will provide insights into dusty AGN outflows and their role in galaxy feedback and evolution. The results will help test theoretical models predicting a correlation between wider cones and higher Eddington ratios, contributing to our understanding of AGN structure and feedback mechanisms.
NASA Relevance: This internship utilizes archival Hubble Space Telescope data to interpret modern models of the active galactic nucleus. Results linking the active galactic nucleus to large-scale galaxy feedback can be directly followed-up with JWST for galaxies at various redshifts.
Work Description:
1. Data acquisition: collecting archival data for a number of galaxies and assessing its quality. The intern will also collect supermassive black hole mass measurements from existing catalogs.
2. Image processing and measurement: using the Hubble Space Telescope images, the intern will measure key features of the emission, such as opening angle of the ionization cone.
3. Statistical analysis: correlations between the measured image features and the galaxies' intrinsic properties will be assessed.
Open or Reserved Project: Open, 1 position