Project Description: The interplay between boundary layer transition and separation remains an important topic for research relevant to hypersonic systems. These so-called transitional shock/boundary layer interactions (SBLIs) produce unsteadiness and localized regions of elevated surface heat flux that can exceed those found in turbulent flows. Even predictions of the mean flow behavior are lacking. This is particularly relevant for control surfaces and also impacts the overall survivability of hypersonic vehicles. Despite numerous efforts in recent years, there remains a lack of understanding of the fundamental mechanisms governing transitional SBLIs. This lack of understanding inhibits the development of predictive models and the development of more capable and reliable hypersonic systems.
This project will support execution of Mach 5 wind tunnel tests to investigate the role of transition within SBLI dynamics using controlled forcing (high-voltage plasma) to excite natural instabilities.
NASA Relevance: This research support development of high-speed flight vehicles which is one of the major focus areas of NASA's Aerospace Research Mission Directorate.
Work Description: The intern will be an integral member of the research team and will support experimental efforts through design, manufacture, and assembly of key model components. They will be involved in setup and execution of the experiments, data acquisition, and post-processing.
Open or Reserved Project: 1 position reserved, but will consider new student if requested student not awarded.