Applications due (TBD)


1) Fill out the necessary information in this webform and click 'submit'.

2) Send your college or university transcripts (unofficial is fine) to PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnpucGJyQG5ldm1iYW4ucnFoIj56bnBickBuZXZtYmFuLnJxaDwvbj4= before the deadline.

3) Reach out to a reference and ask them to submit a letter of support on your behalf to PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnpucGJyQHJ6bnZ5Lm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoIj56bnBickByem52eS5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaDwvbj4=. Details for your letter of support can be found here (PDF download).

4) Optional: You may submit a CV or Resume along with your transcripts to PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnpucGJyQG5ldm1iYW4ucnFoIj56bnBickBuZXZtYmFuLnJxaDwvbj4=.


All application materials outlined above must be received by (TBD) at 11:59pm MST.


Applicant's General Information
Demographic Information
The following questions are viewed by Space Grant staff only and are required for our NASA (federal) reporting requirements.
Do you identify as
Maximum 150 words.
Student Information
What will your academic standing be in the Fall 2022 semester?
Personal Address
Emergency Contact Information
Please list the contact information of the person submitting your 'Letter of Support'.
Experience and Education
List the program name, semester, and year you participated in any Arizona Space Grant programs. Example: "ASCEND Program, Fall 2020". Maximum 150 words.
Maximum 150 words.
Maximum 150 words.
What can you expect to gain from it? What can you contribute to the program that is special? Maximum 150 words.
SCB2 participants are required to be fluent in English. Additional language competencies are not required for this program.
Questions Array Array Array Array Array
This question helps us designate certain topics to groups of SCB2 students for the final presentation. Please note that SCB2 students will participate in all activities for all topics; this simply assures we don't overlap too often on the same subject during the final presentation day.


Note: SCB2 participants are required to participate in the entire 6-day program from (dates TBD) from Sunday evening to Friday morning.

I can commit to the entire SCB2 experience from (TBD).
I can get to/from the SCB2 program, located at Biosphere 2 in Oracle, Arizona and understand I will not be reimbursed for this travel.
SCB2 Agreement

I acknowledge the University Privacy Statement of the University of Arizona ( is external)). I agree that the Space Camp at Biosphere 2 program may use and store the information in this application for NASA reporting and program management.

Space Camp at Biosphere 2 (SCB2) will measure its success by tracking the accomplishments and whereabouts of program participants. To accomplish this and to finish applying as a participant in SCB2 you must agree to the following:

If selected for the SCB2 program, I agree to keep program managers apprised on my current academic accomplishments and personal whereabouts including my current contact information. In addition, during the camp I agree to complete program evaluation forms in a timely manner, and complete subsequent (online) program tracking forms at least one time per year until such time as I leave my college or university, complete my current academic degree, and can document the "next step" in my academic or professional activities (i.e., receiving an additional degree or entering the workforce).