AY 2025-26 Space Grant Mentor Application Form

The University of Arizona NASA Space Grant
Undergraduate Research Internship Program
AY2024-25 Mentor Application


Application Dates: February 3 - March 25, 2025 at 11:59pm MST

Please read our Mentor Overview webpage to review mentor eligibility and FAQs. Please review our Matching webpage for more information on the review, selection, and matching process for interns and mentors.

Mentor Information
Overview of Internship Opportunity
Note: this information will be given to your intern "match" so please be descriptive as this may be their first impression of your project. Links to additional resources are great. Please use this space to describe the overarching project plus any activities with which this intern would be involved.
Please list a few key tasks that the intern would be assigned for this project.
Research Areas
(for example, extragalactic astronomy, lunar prospecting, solar power, etc.)
NASA Mission Directorates
Please select up to two NASA Mission Directorates

Potential mentors must work on research projects that relate to one or more NASA Mission Directorates (MDs). However, please note that NASA's research interests are broad and relate to many STEM fields. Please review the information found on the NASA Mission Directorates page before selecting the MD(s) your project most closely aligns with.

Work Details
If this internship has in person components, where will your intern primarily work? Specifically note if this location is on or off of the University of Arizona campus.
Approximately how many hours of work per week does this project offer?
What days of the week would this position work?
Please specifically note if there is weekend field work required.
Operating Systems
Please indicate the lowest operating system levels you require of an intern.
Computer Languages
Please indicate the lowest computer language levels you require of an intern.
Other Computer Skills
Please indicate the lowest computer skill levels you require of an intern.
Intern Request

To request working with a specific student, list them here. Requested students must also submit an Internship application to be matched to your project. Please note, requesting a student does not guarantee they will be selected for an internship. *If you would like to request up to two additional students for this same project (i.e., same project title, skills required, etc.) you may list them in the 'Comments' box below.

Willing to mentor another student?

If you have requested a specific student(s) and they are not selected for an Internship, would you be willing to mentor another student?

How many interns are you willing to work with?

How many 5-20 hour / week internship positions are you able to support as a mentor for this specific project? Please note that Space Grant is committed to supporting a group of diverse mentors and STEM projects. We typically will not match mentors with more than 2 (maximum 3) Space Grant interns.

Will you work with a non-science/engineering student?
Funding Assistance

This internship is funded by the NASA National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program, and whenever possible, through the generous contributions of our mentors. Each year, we are able to extend internship opportunities to a larger group of undergraduates through much appreciated financial assistance provided by mentors who are able to full-fund or split-fund their interns. Interns may work up to 20 hours per week and receive $15.50 per hour. In 2023 on average, our interns worked 8.3 hours per week during the 35-week internship. Full-funding an intern at $15.50 per hour for 35 weeks at 8.3 hours per week amounts to $4,502.75, while split-funding this cost amounts to $2,251.38. 

Do you elect either the Full-fund or Split-fund option?
If you are willing to work with more than one intern, does this funding selection apply to all of them?
Please list additional comments here. You may also use this box to list the first/last name of up to two additional nominated students if you are requesting to work with them for this same project (title, work description, etc.).
Data Use and Storage

I acknowledge the Privacy Statement of the University of Arizona. I agree that the Space Grant program may use and store the information in this application for NASA reporting and program management.