Sophie Lebowitz

Sophie Lebowitz

Graduate Research Fellows
Sophie Lebowitz

I am a 5th year graduate student in the Department of Astronomy at Steward Observatory working with Dr. Kevin Hainline and Dr. Stephanie Juneau on the relationship between supermassive black holes and their host galaxy. My research uses simulations and observations from the James Webb Space Telescope to probe how supermassive black holes influence the environment of their host galaxy by triggering or suppressing star formation. This can help answer important questions regarding how galaxies change with time, including how our own Milky Way came to be what it is today. For my Arizona Space Grant Project, I will be engaging with students at local K-12 schools in astronomy-related lessons and activities through Project ASTRO, a national program that aims to improve the science education of young students by linking professional and amateur astronomers with local schools. I believe that engaging in scientific dialogue with young people is one of the most important and impactful things that I can do as a scientist. At the end of the fellowship period, I will also be presenting a public talk sharing my research at Space Drafts at The Borderlands Brewing Company through Astronomy on Tap, a public talk series organized by graduate students at Steward Observatory.