Geniuses who will change your life

Geniuses who will change your life

July 27, 2007
Geniuses who will change your life

1999 Space Grant Fellow Margaret Turnbull was featuring in a CNN article titled, "Genuisnes who will change your life" for her research concerning aliens.

"Turnbull's mind-blowing patience has paid off. In 2015, NASA will be launching its Terrestrial Planet Finder, which will use space telescopes to look for planets beyond our solar system, and it'll start with the stars on Turnbull's short list. In other words, nobody's laughing at Turnbull's search for aliens now" (Eric Furman, CNN).


Early Success for Space Grant Interns

Early Success for Space Grant Interns

Oct. 10, 2007
Early Success for Space Grant Interns

Adria Brooks, 2006 UA Space Grant Intern and OSIRIS student Deputy-Principal Investigator, has been awarded a NASA Motivating Undergraduates in Science and Technology (MUST) scholarship. As part of this scholarship Adria receives a one-year tuition scholarship of $10,000 and a $5,000 stipend to participate in a summer research experience at a NASA center.

Congratulations Adria!


David Zahn, Weekly UA Success Stories!

David Zahn, Weekly UA Success Stories!

Oct. 17, 2007
David Zahn - Weekly UA Success Stories!

2006-2007 UA Undergraduate Research Intern Daivd Zahn was featured in the University of Arizona's weekley success stories for his lab work with Dr. Yurkanin and he goals of attending medical school in 2008.


UA Intern receives Science Excellence Award

UA Intern receives Science Excellence Award

April 22, 2008
UA Intern receives Science Excellence Award

Astronomy & Physics major Mary Anne Peters has been awarded the College of Science excellence in Undergraduate Research Award for 2008. She won this award for her work with Astronomy Professor Laird Close on BESSEL, which is an instrument for the Steward Observatory telescope. This instrument tested new technology (in collaboration with OSC Professor Grover Swartzlander and OSC graduate student Erin Ford) on-sky for the first time. This technology may, in the future, be utilized to image planets in other star systems. This is exciting because imaging extrasolar planets enables one to determine whether there is life beyond the Earth.


UA Intern Features in UA News Article

UA Intern Features in UA News Article

July 10, 2008
UA Intern Features in UA News Article

We are really proud of Yuri Robeson, an exceptional student and wonderful human being. Yuri credits her Space Grant experience with teaching her that "everything is possible" and helping her discover and take advantage of a wealth of opportunities along her educational path. Utilizing many NASA education program "linkages"--a Space Grant Internship to a NASA MUST Scholarship to NASA Zero Gravity program participation, to acceptance into the NASA Robotics Academy--Yuri is well on her way to fulfilling her goal of joining the NASA workforce!


Navajo Interns Featured in UANews Article

Navajo Interns Featured in UANews Article

Sept. 15, 2008

Three of our new 2008-2009 University of Arizona/NASA Space Grant Undergraduate Research Interns were featured in a UANews article that was release on Friday September 12, 2008. Erin Boyd, Adriana Riggs, and Jennifer Stanley, all of whom are Navajo Nation University of Arizona students show how important Internships are for undergrads.


Reaching Out to the Hispanic Community

Reaching Out to the Hispanic Community

Nov. 6, 2008

2008 Graduate Fellow Theresa Foley was featured in an Atmospheric Sciences article for her community envolvement with the Hispanic Community in the Tucson area. She works with the UA Superfund Basic Research Program (UA SBRP), US EPA and Sonora Environmental Research Institute, Inc (SERI), a Tucson community organization, to analyze and translate airborne metals data into useful information.


All hail Chris Lewicki

All hail Chris Lewicki

Dec. 18, 2008

In 1993 Christopher A. Lewicki a nineteen-year-old University of Arizona (UA) Aerospace Engineering sophomore received his first taste of NASA R&D through a 1993 AZSGC Undergraduate Research Internship and discovered an insatiable appetite for all things “space”! Through Space Grant he became an integral member of the NASA Mars Observer’s Gamma Ray Spectrometer and NEAR missions teams while his enthusiasm, growing expertise, and leadership qualities propelled him to the presidency of UA SEDS, SEDS USA, the NASA Academy at Goddard where his research received the summer’s top honors (1996), and a two-year Space Grant Graduate Fellowship to lead the first UA student satellite program (1997-1999)...
