Vivian Morrison
Vivian Morrison
Vivian Morrison is a University of Arizona Sophomore majoring in Astronomy. She works with Dante Lauretta from the Lunar and Planetary Lab on “Fracture Mapping of Comet 67P Churyimov-Gerasimenko.”
Vivian Morrison is a University of Arizona Sophomore majoring in Astronomy. She works with Dante Lauretta from the Lunar and Planetary Lab on “Fracture Mapping of Comet 67P Churyimov-Gerasimenko.”
Treyton Moore is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in Aerospace Engineering and Applied Mathematics. He works with Stuart Craig from the Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department on “Wind Tunnel Experiments on High-speed Boundary-layer Transition.”
David Martin is a University of Arizona Junior majoring in Computer Science. He works with Steve Ertel from the Astronomy Department and Steward Observatory on “Hubble High Contrast Imaging of Post-AGB Stellar Environments.”
Reagan Leimbach is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in Astronomy, Physics and Dance. She works with Chun Ly from Steward Observatory on “Recalibrating Strong-line Metallicity Diagnostics for z>1 Chemical Enrichment Studies.”
Parker Kaufmann is a University of Arizona Sophomore majoring in Computer Science. She works with Vishnu Reddy from the Lunar and Planetary Lab on “Development of an Intelligent Target Prioritization System for NEO Followup.”
Andres Jaramillo is a University of Arizona Sophomore majoring in Astronomy and Physics. He works with Dennis Zaritsky from the Astronomy Department on “The Search for Intergalactic Stellar Clusters.”
Diego Huerta is a University of Arizona Junior majoring in Soil, Water and Environmental Science. He works with Katherine Gerst from the School of Natural Resources and the Environment on “Understanding the Drivers of Invasive Species Phenology to Inform Land Management Decision-making.”
Jacklyn Higgs is a University of Arizona Junior majoring in Mechanical Engineering. She works with Jesse Little from the Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department on “Flow Characterization of the UofA Subsonic Wind Tunnel.”
Marissa Heffernan is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in Journalism. She works on a Science Journalism Internship with Sarah Garrecht Gassen from Arizona Daily Star.
James Haner is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in Aerospace Engineering and Applied Mathematics. He works with Craig Stuart from the Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department on “Wind tunnel experiments on high-speed boundary-layer transition.”