Searches for Other Planetary Systems
Don McCarthy
Astronomer, Steward Observatory
Lecturer, Astronomy
Distinguished Professor, UA University Outreach
Dr. McCarthy has a passion for combining astronomical research and inquiry-based science education. He pioneered techniques for achieving high angular resolution at infrared wavelengths from both ground and space based telescopes by developing new techniques and instrumentation for interferometry, speckle imaging, active tip/tilt correction, and adaptive optics. With these tools, he initiated the direct detection of low mass companions to nearby stars, imaged the near-infrared emission from the Galactic Center source Sgr A*, examined the surface characteristics of asteroids, moons, and Kuiper Belt Objects, and recently detected atmospheric waves on Pluto. Since 1989, his Astronomy Camps have attracted teenage students, educators, schools, and general adults from around the world.
If any information is out of date or missing please contact us.
Presentation | Comments |
Hubble Space Telescope and UA Astronomy | 3-4 weeks advance notice required. |
Liquid Nitrogen Demonstration and Miscellaneous Astronomy | 3-4 weeks advance notice required. |
Mount Graham and Large Telescopes | 3-4 weeks advance notice required. |
Searches for Other Planetary Systems | 3-4 weeks advance notice required. |
Adaptive Optics | 3-4 weeks advance notice required. |
3-4 weeks advance notice required.