Jonathan Saints
Jonathan Saints
Jonathan Saints is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in IDS International Studies/University College. He works with Barron Orr from Arid Lands conducting research on "Arizona Watershed Wise."
Jonathan Saints is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in IDS International Studies/University College. He works with Barron Orr from Arid Lands conducting research on "Arizona Watershed Wise."
Chris Ruelle is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. He works with Hermann Fasel from Aerospace and Mechanical conducting research on "Active Control of Separation for Aerospace Vehicles."
Mark Robertson-Tessi is a University of Arizona Sophomore majoring in Astronomy/Physics. He works with Ralph Lorenz from LPL conducting research on "Visions of Titan : Artistic Impressions of Titan's Landscape."
Sushma Patel is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in Soil, Water, and Environmental Science. She works with Charles Gerba from Soil,Water and Environmental Science conducting research on "Use of Aquatic plants and wetlands to treat wastewater."
Sharon Ng is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in English. She works with Ralph Lorenz from LPL conducting research on "Hitchhiker's Guide to Titan."
Lucas Murray is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in Geography. He works with Andrew Comrie from Geography & Reg Dev conducting research on "Satellite Mapping of Potential Fugitive Dust Pollution Sources in Ambos Nogales."
Jayanti Muliyil is a University of Arizona Junior majoring in Chemical Engineering. She works with Reyes Sierra from Chemical and Environmental Engineering conducting research on "Microbial Processes in Astroenvironments: Microbial Respiration of Metalloids."
Amanda Morrow is a University of Arizona Junior majoring in Physics. She works with Michael Meyer from Astronomy conducting research on "Are we on the Right Track? Testing Pre-main Sequence Evolutionary Theory with Observations."
Thomas Miller is a University of Arizona Sophomore majoring in Geosciences. He works with David Crown from the Planetary Science Institute conducting research on "Mapping Lava Flow Fields on Mars."
Frances McQueen is a University of Arizona Sophomore. She works with Dante Lauretta from LPL conducting research on "Meteorite Analysis and Early Solar System Environments."