Undergraduate Interns

Undergraduate Research Interns

Jeremy Adams

Jeremy Adams is a University of Arizona Junior majoring in Chemical Engineering. He works with James Field from Chemical and Environmental Engineering conducting research on "Nutrient Nitrogen Cycling: Chemolithotrophic Denitrification in Continuous Bioreactors."

Matt Behrens

Matt Behrens is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in electrical engineering, business economics, mathematics. He works with Robert Arnold from Chemical & Environmental Engineering conducting research on "Estrogen agonists and antagonists in reclaimed water--impediments to direct reuse."

Everett Benally

Everett Benally is a University of Arizona Sophomore majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering. He works with Barron Orr from Arid Lands conducting research on "Navajo Watershed Research Project."

Danielle Benkert

Danielle Benkert is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in Ag and Bio Systems Engineering. She works with Kevin Lansey from Civil Engineering conducting research on "Endocrine disrupting activity reduction in treatment and natrual systems."

Amy Dashiell

Amy Dashiell is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in Computer Engineering. She works with Kenneth Johns from Physics conducting research on "Probing Inner Space with the Fermilab Tevatron."

Jeannette Dooley

Jeannette Dooley is a Univeristy of Arizona Senior majoring in Geography. She works with Andrew Comrie from Geography conducting research on "Linking Climate Variability to Infectious Disease Outbreaks."

Thomas Dudley

Thomas Dudley is a university of arizona Senior majoring in geography. He works with Gary Christopherson from Center for Applied Spatial Analysis conducting research on "The Saguaro Project."

Timothy Fischer

Timothy Fischer is a University of Arizona Post-Baccalaureate majoring in Geosciences. He works with Julio Betancourt from Geosciences conducting research on "Isotopic characterization of plant and soil CO2 dynamics in deserts."

Joe Granados

Joe Granados is a Pima Community College Sophomore majoring in Physics. He works with Thomas Cetas from Radiation Oncology conducting research on "Fiducial Markers in Imaged Guided Radiation Therapy."

Stephanie Hastings

Stephanie Hastings is a University of Arizona Sophomore majoring in Agriculture & Life Sciences. She works with Mark Witten from Pediatrics conducting research on "A Simulation of Micro-Gravity via Head Down Tilt Model."

Christopher Hernandez

Christopher Hernandez is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. He works with John Williams from AME conducting research on "Space nuclear reactor shield."

Conrad Hutcheson

Conrad Hutcheson is a University of Arizona Junior majoring in Astronomy/Physics/Computer Science. He works with Mark Sykes from Steward Observatory conducting research on "HST Observations of Ceres."

Michael Johnson

Michael Johnson is a University of Arizona Sophomore majoring in Chemical Engineering. He works with Eduardo Saez from Chemical and Environmental Engineering conducting research on "Removal of Arsenic and Other Metal Ions from Drinking Water Sources."

Mary Kim

Mary Kim is a University of Arizona Junior majoring in Psychology. She works with Malcolm Hughes from Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research conducting research on "Age, size and growth rate in trees used as climate records."

Jeffrey Kissinger

Jeffrey Kissinger is a University of Arizona Junior majoring in ECE. He works with Stephen Kukolich from Chemistry conducting research on "Microwave Spectroscopy."

Arthur Kuehl

Arthur Kuehl is a University of Arizona Sophomore majoring in Materials Sciences and Engineering. He works with Russell Hamilton from Radiation Oncology conducting research on "Radiation Beam Energy Spectrum Determination."

Meredith Larrabee

Meredith Larrabee is a University of Arizona Sophomore majoring in Chemistry. She works with Julia Cole from Geosciences conducting research on "Climate variability reconstruction: Record from SW caves and tropical reefs."

Noah Lerman

Noah Lerman is a University of Arizona Sophomore majoring in Computer Engineering. He works with Barron Orr from Arid Lands conducting research on "Designing Web-based Computer Applications to Make Earth Science Research Operational."

Ingrid Lindstrom

Ingrid Lindstrom is a University of Arizona Junior majoring in EEB, English, Philosophy. She works with Ann-Eve Pedersen from Tucson Citizen conducting research on "Tucson Citizen internship."

Chun Ly

Chun Ly is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in Astronomy. He works with David De Young from NOAO conducting research on "extragalactic jets."

Lauren Malone

Lauren Malone is a University of Arizona Junior majoring in Geography & Regional Development. She works with Susan Skirvin from USDA-ARS SWRC conducting research on "Vegetation Mapping of Walnut Gulch."

Gabriel Marcus

Gabriel Marcus is a University of Arizona Junior majoring in Science. He works with Eric Betterton from Atmospheric Sciences conducting research on "Search for highly reactive organic systems on Europa."

Robert Marcus

Robert Marcus is a University of Arizona College of Engineering and Mines Junior majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering. He works with H. Jay Melosh from Planetary Science conducting research on "Impact Crater Effects."

Joel McCorkel

Joel McCorkel is a University of Arizona Junior majoring in Optical Sciences. He works with Kurt Thome from Optical Sciences Center conducting research on "Field spectrometer optical characterization."

Alexander McCourt

Alexander McCourt is a University of Arizona Junior majoring in Engineering. He works with Kevin Kremeyer from PM&AM Research conducting research on "Dynamic Response of Materials, with Miscellaneous Possible Extenstions."

Rachel Miller

Rachel Miller is a University of Arizona Sophomore majoring in College of Science; undeclared. She works with Barron Orr from Arid Lands conducting research on "Fire-Climate-Society-1: Making a Geospatial Model that Uses Satellite Imagery Operational On-line."

Chad Mills

Chad Mills is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in Electrical Engineering. He works with Uwe Fink from Planetary Sciences conducting research on "Cube-Sat."

Leonardo Montilla

Leonardo Montilla is a University of Arizona Sophomore majoring in Optical Science. He works with Kurt Thome from Optical Sciences Center conducting research on "Characterization of instrumentation for sensor calibration."

Ramon Noriega

Ramon Noriega is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. He works with David Thoma from USDA-ARS SWRC conducting research on "Soil moisture probe calibration for ground referencing satellite radar determination of soil moisture."

Randy (Lane) Patterson

Randy (Lane) Patterson is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in Ag and Bio Systems Engineering. He works with Gene Giacomelli from ABE conducting research on "South pole Food Growth Chamber."

Alea Perez

Alea Perez is a University of Arizona Junior majoring in Geography. She works with Debra Colodner from Flandrau Science Center conducting research on "Current Science Kiosk at Flandrau Science Center."

Megan Pitcher

Megan Pitcher is a University of Arizona Junior majoring in Computer Science. She works with David Crown from Planetary Science Institute conducting research on "Morphologic Analyses of Lava Flows on Mars and Venus."

Navid Sarmadnia

Navid Sarmadnia is a University of Arizona Junior majoring in Electrical & Computer Engineering. He works with Raymond Kostuk from ECE conducting research on "Parallel Optical Coherence Tomography."

Britney Schmidt

Britney Schmidt is a University of Arizona Junior majoring in Astronomy/Physics. She works with Robert H. Brown from Planetary Sciences conducting research on "EVaporative isotopic fractionation in solar system ices."

Alexis Schubert

Alexis Schubert is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in Mechanical Engineering. She works with Alfonso Ortega from Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering conducting research on "Small Scale Liquid Cooling of Electronic Systems."

Georgette Schweitzer

Georgette Schweitzer is a University of Arizona Sophomore majoring in Computer Engineering. She works with Jon Chorover from Soil, Water and Environmental Science conducting research on "Do organic acids produce biosignatures during mineral weathering?."

Lila Sideras

Lila Sideras is a Pima Community College Sophomore majoring in Physics. She works with Kenneth Domanik from Lunar and Planetary Lab conducting research on "Meteorite Research."

II Siordia

Victor Siordia, II is a University of Arizona Junior majoring in Mechanical Engineering. He works with Dennis Larson from Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering conducting research on "Solar powered pump development."

Casey Tucker

Casey Tucker is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in Geography. She works with H. Evan Canfield from USDA-ARS conducting research on "Monitoring and Modeling the Hydrologic Impact of Fire."

Daniel Tuttle

Daniel Tuttle is a University of Arizona Sophomore majoring in Economics. He works with Barron Orr from Arid Lands conducting research on "Technology Transfer: Assessing the Adoption of Geospatial Technology by Natural Resource Managers."

Gustaf Van Acker

Gustaf Van Acker is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in Science. He works with Bruce McNaughton from ARL NSMA / Psychology conducting research on "High density micro electrode array for neurophysiology."

Adrian Vogl

Adrian Vogl is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in Anthropology. She works with Steven Archer from School of Renewable Natural Resources conducting research on "Consequences of Woody Plant Encroachment into Grasslands."

Brooke White

Brooke White is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in Astronomy/Physics. She works with Ralph Lorenz from LPL conducting research on "Monitoring Clouds on the Outer Planets."

Jon Winkeller

Jon Winkeller is a University of Arizona Sophomore majoring in Engineering and Mines. He works with Uwe Fink from Planetary Sciences conducting research on "Cube-Sat."

Corey Young

Corey Young is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in Astronomy. She works with Lon Hood from Planetary Sciences conducting research on "Analysis of Stratospheric Ozone Data."

Michael Zhou

Michael Zhou is a University of Arizona Sophomore majoring in Chemical Engineering. He works with Kimberly Ogden from Chemical Engineering conducting research on "Survival of Bacteria in Extreme Environments."