Lauren Malone
Lauren Malone
Lauren Malone is a University of Arizona Junior majoring in Geography & Regional Development. She works with Susan Skirvin from USDA-ARS SWRC conducting research on "Vegetation Mapping of Walnut Gulch."
Lauren Malone is a University of Arizona Junior majoring in Geography & Regional Development. She works with Susan Skirvin from USDA-ARS SWRC conducting research on "Vegetation Mapping of Walnut Gulch."
Chun Ly is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in Astronomy. He works with David De Young from NOAO conducting research on "extragalactic jets."
Ingrid Lindstrom is a University of Arizona Junior majoring in EEB, English, Philosophy. She works with Ann-Eve Pedersen from Tucson Citizen conducting research on "Tucson Citizen internship."
Noah Lerman is a University of Arizona Sophomore majoring in Computer Engineering. He works with Barron Orr from Arid Lands conducting research on "Designing Web-based Computer Applications to Make Earth Science Research Operational."
Meredith Larrabee is a University of Arizona Sophomore majoring in Chemistry. She works with Julia Cole from Geosciences conducting research on "Climate variability reconstruction: Record from SW caves and tropical reefs."
Arthur Kuehl is a University of Arizona Sophomore majoring in Materials Sciences and Engineering. He works with Russell Hamilton from Radiation Oncology conducting research on "Radiation Beam Energy Spectrum Determination."
Jeffrey Kissinger is a University of Arizona Junior majoring in ECE. He works with Stephen Kukolich from Chemistry conducting research on "Microwave Spectroscopy."
Mary Kim is a University of Arizona Junior majoring in Psychology. She works with Malcolm Hughes from Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research conducting research on "Age, size and growth rate in trees used as climate records."
Michael Johnson is a University of Arizona Sophomore majoring in Chemical Engineering. He works with Eduardo Saez from Chemical and Environmental Engineering conducting research on "Removal of Arsenic and Other Metal Ions from Drinking Water Sources."
Conrad Hutcheson is a University of Arizona Junior majoring in Astronomy/Physics/Computer Science. He works with Mark Sykes from Steward Observatory conducting research on "HST Observations of Ceres."